- Festivals of Holistic Temple Arts
- Archetypal business consulting
- Archetypal therapy sessions & courses


Nicolai is the researcher and specialist
in shamanic psychotechnologies. Nicolai is
EAEN Professor of Philosophy
Honored Naturopath of Europe
Master of Natural Medicine
Certified Instructor of the Universal Healing DAO
Mantek Chia
Licensed Psychologist Hypnologist
Master Teacher: Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho, Kundalini
Reiki, Tantra Reiki, Reiki-Yggdrasil (author of the
Head of the Order of the World Tree.
Award: in 2010 - the medal of Paracelsus for
the creation of the system of spiritual
development "Reiki Yggdrasil", issued by the
Scientific European Society, Hannover
Academy is functioning for more than 30
years, preparing hundreds of advanced
holistic specialists worldwide.
Academy is providing Advanced practical
education in
- Holistic Shamanic studies.
- Temple therapy and rituals.
The school studies mental
enhancement technologies from
temple magic heritage.

The academy uses an initiation
system. This progressive learning
method means you can start to use
each skill as you learn it. Students
following this approach are able to
use the key shamanic technologies
5-10x sooner than others.
Each initiation requires individual
study, practice with partners and
clients and a final examination. 


It writes down the necessary skills,
tunings towards the unconscious level.
So you are getting able to start using the skills
at once. Through your own practice and
seminars you are uncovering the technologies
transmitted through initiation.
This approach allows students to study and use
the key shamanic technologies 5-10 times
sooner than usually.
Reiki Systems are used as the tool, technology
to transmit Key Shamanic Temple Initiations
towards the students. Wide variety of
shamanic, temple traditions and initiations are
combined within Reiki Yggdrasil system,
that were developed at the Academy.
This system uncovers your mental &
extrasensual abilities to enhance your life. 
Our school is based on tremendous studies of
Human Mental abilities and Shamanic
psychotechnology that were started during
and after the Second World War
by Psychic abilities studies institutes of the
Governments of formal USSR and USA.
After the demolition of USSR these technologies
became widely opened by numerous schools.
And studies and continuing these days and mastering
every year more and more. More information about
it you can read in the next documents.


Academy provides wide range of studies on key
technologies of temple, shamanic
traditions with practical implementation it into
counseling in business, health, relationships, personal and spiritual growth.
Study areas are grouped by main Shamanic
Traditions into several Faculties (majors).
F1. Shamanic Therapies & TAO Reiki Yggdrasil.
(Principal program)
- F2. Ancient Egypt Temple Therapy.
(Deep healing and spiritual growth)
- F3. Greek & Roman Temple Mysteries.
(Evoking inner beauty, power, sexuality)
- F4. Spiritual Studies. Christianity. Buddhism.
Jewish Kabbalah (Healing and spiritual support).
- F5. Tantric Studies & Vedic Heritage.
(Inner love therapy and relationships healing)
- F6. Slavic Shamanic Studies & Imagery Therapy.
(Storytelling, healing though the fairytales approach)
- F7. Scandinavian Heritage. Runes Studies.
(Personal power activation & situation management)
- F8. Eastern Studies. Taoism. Sufism.
(Chinese Medicine, Life & money harmonization)
- F9. Pan America Studies. Indians. Mayas. Toltecs.
(Spiritual Codes of Time).

The main focus areas (specializations):

- S1. Money & Business growth, situation management
- S2. Tantra. Family, Love, Sex & Relationships
- S3. Holistic Health & Shamanic Healing
- S4. Personal & Spiritual growth. Shamanic Studies. Archetypal therapy.
- S5. Astral Flights. Reading. Astrology. Extra sensuality
- S6. Handmade art crafts & Artifacts.
- S7. Fundamental Research


This is the outstanding Tradition that holds the keys to the Supremy states of consciosnes. It holds the powers of supreme purity and devotion. Egyption tradition helps you to deeply cleanse and enhance your mind and soul to get closer to the Gods, to Creators. Egyptian Tradition provides the transformation model that at the
same time empowers you deeply and cleans your soul facing the Eturnal Gods.
This Tradtition holds the energy of love, innocense and passion. Beauty of harmony and wisdom of truth. With this energies you are passionate and brave as the teenager, feeling the youthful and playful energy of desire. And the same time you are courageous, smart, quick and powerful as Greek Deities, Greek Ideals of the presentday world. You are manifestating the powers of love and care.
You are falling into realization of your own potential you was granted by the Gods.
Greek Traditions shares the energies of unique deep and sensual pleasure of
connection and shows you the high ideals of your personal growth and love being.
The Glory and the Powers comes with the Roman Heirtage. You are connecting with wisdom and strength of the Roman Gods.
This Spirit of Viking opens the doors of the Universe. Feeling the powers of Runes gives you keys to make any situation happens. We are the sword of the Gods. Whenever you go - the situations becomes the one that
you needed. You are just making the reality following your own will and following the will of the Gods.
Deep studying the Sephirot Trees opens up to you the Melody of the Planet. You start feeling the song the Universe and you start being able to play this songs, working with energies of Big Arcanas of Tarot. You start studying the Energies of the Angels of the Sephirotic Arcanas (Tarot). You are sharing the Sephirotic Rituals to Evoke these energies, listen to them and lead them. Western European Tradition gives you the keys to the Magic. 
Tantra comes from the Indian Tradition. Tantric flow is about sharing the powers of creation and devotion. High Tantric Levels helps you to feel the totality of the Universe and achieve balance inside yourself, withing your partner and life in general.
New Faculty that is discovering principles of working
with Arabic Saints, Ifritas, Gins, Arabic Saints and God.
TAOISM is deep wisdom of inner and auter balance and
harmony. Through achieving inner balance your health,
relationships, money and life improves. 
Slavic Shamanic Model allows you to see the world alive, full of spirits, angels and daemons. It’s like a fairytale approach.
You are connecting to the spirits and through the talk and journey among the spirits you are shifting the reality.
Mayas. Toltecs. Azteca’s. You can feel the world as the Unity and following the movement of the World Dragon your life is moving.
To listen to the Dragon, to follow it makes your life
happy, balanced and senseful. 
The world is the Game of the Gods.
Every opportunity might appear if you are good with the


- Business Consulting. Business Constellations.
- Archetypal Coaching.
- Archetypal Rituals. Activation personal goals.
- Business Runes and applied psychotechnology in business.
- Tantric healing & Love relationships counseling
- Energies of the planets, Natural Health and Wellbeing
- Holistic bodywork psychotechnologies. Runic Yoga.
- Chinese medicine. Vedic Medicine & Ayurveda.
- Sephirot Energy Healing.
- Archetypal Counseling (imageries psychotherapy, hypnotherapy)
- Shamanic Mysteries & Family Constellations
- Existential & Spiritual coaching
- Personal Readings: Tarot. Runes. Metaphoric Cards. Eastern Taoism Reading Yi Jing
- Practical Astrology
- Astral Flights. Lucid Dreaming. The Magic of the Scouts.
- Extra sensual Perception and Clairvoyance.
- Culturology. Creating the artifacts of the Old Traditions
- Applied Sephirot Mandalas.
- Diagnostic and creation the Places of Powers.
- Temple Artifacts.
- Magic of the Elements. Applied technologies of Sephirot Tradition
- Angels of the Big Arcanas. Applied technologies of Sephirot Tradition
- Hermetism & the rituals of activation of the personal power.
- Battle technologies. Protection and forming of the egregors.


Temple Arts Academy provides outstanding personal growth program
and also prepare demanded specialists in several areas
That is one of the most demanding area. Being connecting with the Gods Archetypes provides you more smart and clear understanding of how to achieve their goals. For example, I was recently
held group of clients in Egyptian Osiris Channel. It clears your mind, you stop doing unnecessary
things, focus on what is necessary, you spend less efforts and achieve more results. As my clients
say, revenue growth twice or 5 times more in a few weeks after practice. Scandinavian Runes
channels activates opportunities you was not event thing about – your intentions started happen
That is the specialized department that uses both skills of situation management and healing but is
focused specifically on relationship issues. You practicing the connection with the Gods and Goddess of beaty, practice Tantra Reiki flow, doing personal therapied and creating mandalas and artifacts to help yourself and clients in this area.
Shamanic and Temple Energy Healing technologies allows to achieve
deeper clarity on the levels of Body-Soul-Spirit.
Every tradition provides its own model of healing.
Switching through Traditions you can choose the best model of healing for yourself and your clients. For example, Taoist tradition helps achieve inner balance, Runic Tradition heals through additional energy flow and health ideals, Egyptian model provides deep spiritual cleaning through the
connection with your higher self, etc.
It needs to understand, that the key reason of problems usually is starting from within. Inner
stresses, phobias, views usually stop from achieving results. To start working on this, deeper level
we study shamanic family constellations, methods of hypnotherapy, imageries psychotherapy. We
use Ancient Tradition myths, legends, fairy tales to empower personal and clients conscious to be
able to heal on inner level.
To develop empathy, extra sensual skills is vital for every specialization, every specialist. However,
the specialty exists that is focusing on Astral Flights. These professionals are enthusiastic about
discovering peculiarities of different energy flows, different Traditions. They keen on studying energy, spiritual world, parallel realities etc. They practice advanced extra sensual vision for their discoveries, bring powerful energies and share with others specialists that could later do it in healing,
business activation etc. Some of specialists like teaching and sharing the new discoveries they got.
That is the interesting area of specialization for artistic people. You train how to tune into the energy flows of different Traditions, Gods and create artifacts that helps other specialists to perform
their job. It might be Money stream activization artifacts, healing artifacts, mind enhancement artifacts, beaty energies artifacts etc. Some good made artifacts costs 1000 usd and much more. 
This is the deep fundamental speciality. Its usually focused on studying Technologies of advanced
past civilizations, seen through Sephirot Tree of Life, Runic Tree of Life Yggdrasil etc. They dig
deeper in studying and holding Rituals of Ancient Cultures and Traditions. Usually, they teach fundamental long-lasting disciplines, that opens up the power within, that are creating the inner bases and fundament for your spiritual and shamanic work.

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 Analysis of any situation in 15 minutes

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write in Watsapp "I want diagnostics"