Academy of Archetypal Technologies

Working with a goal + Elemental Power

Academy of Archetypal Technologies

 Operates in Eastern Europe,
training of highly qualified specialists
in the field of holistic shamanic and temple therapy.
Brief description of the program.

PROMOTION. Free Course on Elemental Magic.

This is a course of settings (initiations) for the Minor Arcana of the TAROT.

You can join a group of practitioners for FREE and gain access to knowledge.

Plus 2 more gifts for Course participants:
- Free blitz diagnostics of the target.
- Free personal Mandala for pumping up your goal in the energies of the elements.


 - Training material, descriptions of key information, glyphs that are necessary to work with Elemental Magic Technologies
- Settings that will help you better connect to the flows of Elemental Magic and direct this power to your goals
- Chat for discussion.

This is very valuable information.
It is difficult to find it in the public domain. And if it’s paid, it costs a lot of money.

- I would like to gather a group of practitioners who are interested in
- Develop yourself and
- Develop towards your goals.

« Introduction. For newbies».

 1. You can apply for training in the Elemental Magic Course.

You can pass it
- in correspondence format: tuning in independently using texts in the chat (free), or
- in a full-time format, going through a series of personal mysteries-initiations.

2. Magic of the Elements is the technology of the Sephirotic Tradition (working with the Minor Arcana of the Tarot).

The bottom line: inclusion in each card is a certain adjustment of consciousness that speeds up thinking and makes it more effective for diagnosing the situation and activating your goals.

3. Each Card of the Minor Arcana, which are described in this course, provides its own unique attunement of consciousness, increasing personal potential.

To fully reveal the settings for the minor arcana of the Tarot, it is recommended to receive the initiations of the Yggdrasil Reiki Block - Keys of Solomon and go through personal initiations for each card.

But you can turn on yourself, for this I tell you how:
- I explain the idea of ​​the card - arcana
- I give a list of key glyphs for attunement
- I also give a verse at the end, which will help you better connect to the lasso state.

4. The study of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot usually goes from 2k to 10k and then Pages - Aces.

Each subsequent degree gives a greater level of immersion in the elements. Each next level is based on the development of the previous one.

In terms of training, I have proposed a number of tasks that will help you better develop the skills and level of your inclusion in the minor arcana.

Good luck with your studies.
Thank you for your interest.

For the Elemental Magic course, we now have 3 training formats:



You are getting:
- text materials, descriptions of how to join the flows of the elements
- group chat where you can ask questions, share your experience and find partners for practice and development
- test tasks for training, personal supervision and support.
FORMAT: donation.


You receive personal initiations into the flows and channels of Elemental Magic (Sephirotic tradition), an in-depth analysis of glyph qualities, and plus personal work on your goal set for the course.
PAYMENT: for each consultation: 50-100 cu.


This is a distance learning format where you can take part in group online workshops to develop skills in working with the Flows of the Elements. The cost of one workshop is usually 20-25 euros.

February now has the most favorable conditions for participation.
You can participate in any of three formats to choose from.

Which format is more interesting?


 The task of the 1st degree is to choose your Elemental Clan.

Read the materials in the Course Chat, tune in.
Try to turn on. Write with what resonance

- Air Magic - creating new goals, new opportunities. The ability to find a new idea, solution and quickly achieve it.
- Fire Magic is an increase in the scale of what exists. More often this is associated with areas where many other people may be involved.
- Earth magic is valuable for business. Models, standards, and nuances of any processes are well defined here, leading to materialization and sustainability.
- Water Magic - working with the past, with the legend, brand, perception of you. Powerful technologies that provide long-term development.
 ANNOUNCEMENT. Master Class.
Modeling goals in the energies of the 4 Elements.
1) Initiations into channels
Elemental Magic
- - 2ki Air (Luck)
- - 2ki Fire (Energy)
- - 2 Earth (Prosperity)
- - 2ki Water (Abundance)

2) Diagnosis of your goals, ways and possibilities of achieving them.

3) Modeling and pumping up your target so that it receives a resource and acceleration.

COST: 25 usd
(For participants of the Elemental Magic Course cost: 20 usd).


 Each session is:

- mystery-inclusion in the Channel of Elements
- training in technologies for working with the Minor Arcana
- practical work tailored to your goal.

This is the Archetypal Coaching Course for Achieving Your Goal
+ training in Elemental Magic technologies


 1st stage: Power of 4 elements

This is the Basic Sephirotic initiation. Inclusion of all 4 elements in the energy.
Plus an analysis of your situation.

Stage 1 of the course includes:
1) 4re Initiations:
- Air Power
- Power of Fire
- Earth Power
- The Power of Water

2) Detailed personal analysis of your goal/situation.
Finding new ideas and solutions.

We look at your goals from 5 perspectives:
A) from the perspective of Constellations (current state of affairs, possibilities and causes of stupors)
B) from the position of Fire,
Activating the energy of your goals
B) from the Earth’s position:
Adding structure to ideas
D) from the position of Water,
Adding sustainability and solidity to projects
D) from the position of Air, expanding possibilities.

 As part of the 1st stage, you receive an increase in your personal resource as well as the potential of your goals.


 This is 4 lessons (2-5 degrees)
1 time per week, 1 month.

1) 2 degrees -
Diagnostic skill.

We will learn to set a goal, diagnose a situation, find new ideas and solutions.

2) 3 degrees - we will learn to activate the necessary capabilities in the energies of the chosen element.

3) 4 degrees -
More in-depth analysis and modeling of the necessary parameters of the situation.
Working with mandalas.

4) 5 degrees.
Working with Elemental Spirits.

Activation of additional resources to achieve the goal.
We increase the scale of personal influence.


  Correspondence courses: FREE.
Full-time education:
1st stage: 50 ue,
Course: 200 ue/month

Register for the course

 Send a message for details and to register.

About the Academy

 Nikolay – researcher and specialist
in shamanic psychotechnologies. Nikolai
EAEN professor of philosophy
Honored Naturopath of Europe
Master of Natural Medicine
Certified Universal Healing DAO instructor.
Mantek Chia
Licensed psychologist-hypnologist
Main Teacher: Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho, Kundalini
Reiki, Tantra Reiki, Reiki-Yggdrasil (author of the book
Head of the Order of the World Tree.
 Award: in 2010 – Paracelsus medal for
creation of a spiritual system
development of "Reiki Yggdrasil", released
European Scientific Society, Hannover
The Academy has been operating for more than 30
years, preparing hundreds of advanced
holistic specialists around the world.
The Academy provides advanced practical
education in
- Holistic shamanic studies.
- Temple therapy and rituals.

About me

 I'm certified
- psychologist
- hypnotherapist
- certified coach
- specialist in imagery psychotherapy (Jungian symboldrama method)
- specialist in the method of emotional-imaginative therapy Linde
- specialist in systemic family constellations
- Master in Business Modeling.

I see patients online quite a lot while working as a psychotherapist.
I also manage a number of business projects and businessmen.
But since I just arrived in Toronto, I’m open to meeting people.
 Send a message for details and to register.