I propose to begin exploring the labyrinth of the soul together.

We can find hidden stress and trauma there - meet your Minotaur. We will feed him and make him your friend.
Today I came across an interesting article by Daria Kovalchuk on the topic of libido and sexuality -
And I decided to make a special offer: we can explore and analyze the topics of Libido and Sexuality for you through archetypal arrangements under special conditions!
Let's figure out where you are, where you are stuck and why.

Online sessions.
FORMAT: Constellation + hypnotherapy.

BONUS: To strengthen the effect, we can conduct a repeat session through figurative therapy and consolidate it with Egyptian Mandalas.
Or launch a whole course of sessions:
Archetypal arrangements of love. After them, my clients and their lives change.

PROMOTION. There are especially good conditions now for sessions with topics on sexuality research!
Want to know the details?
Write in person!
Here is a link to Daria’s article itself: 
To order diagnostics
write in Watsapp or Telegram "I want diagnostics"

Course Topics

Session 1. Eros and Libido.

3 levels of maturity.

What is your contact with Eros?
Is there a part of you that fears and neglects this? Are there hidden desires? Are there any stresses?
We will gently explore and heal trauma.

Session 2. Love and sex

 Are there any phobias, fears and restrictions for a free sexual life? Are there any blocks to enjoying this, letting the energy of love and passion into your life?

Are you ready to feel the Power of Life within you?
Are you ready to allow your inner spirit of passion, love to develop and share it with others.

Famous actors, as well as politicians, businessmen, scientists, first of all, have the revealed power of passion.

Allow your sexual energy to increase quietly to maximize your own potential.

Session 3. Yin and Yang

 Are you ready to accept? Is your heart open to love? Are you ready to receive love and support? Are you running away from the adventures of a new day? Can you allow all the beauties of life to happen to you?

And at the same time, are you ready to reveal and realize your yang power? Are you in touch with the energies of creation?
Do the energies of creativity flow freely through you, helping you realize whatever you want.

I suggest you explore how open you are to these Forces and let in even more energy of Life into yourself.

SESSION 4. Feminine and Masculine

 How are you now developing contact with the female sex, your mother, your friends, the women in your life?
How do you develop contact with your father, with the men in your life?

What more? What is missing? How would you like to harmonize this flow of forces?

Do you feel your feminine/masculine attractiveness?
Are you in touch with your feminine/masculine power?

Do you feel your beauty and enjoy yourself? Do you feel able to get everything you need from life? create the life you dream of?

Are there any blocks? Let's check and cure.

Session 5. Love and rejection

 Do you feel rejected? In what areas (personal, work)?

Are you rejecting someone?
Are you rejecting a part of yourself?

We will check what you are rejecting, why you are being rejected (or limited).
And let's try to remove the reason.

Session 6. Closeness and freedom

 What is more important to you in a relationship? Freedom or intimacy?

What are you really looking for? Love or freedom?

Some people are looking for love but run away as soon as the opportunity arises. Why is freedom so important? What are you afraid of losing?

How deep can you go into intimacy?
We'll explore.

Session 7. Light and Shadow.

Lilith, Eve and Adam.

(Angels and Demons)

 This work will show you what is hiding in the Shadow.
Your potential, strength.
Your fears and desires.
Everything important that you want and exclude from your life is there.

We will open the veil of the Shadow and release your Power.
You will come into contact with it and integrate it into your life.

Session 8. Life and death

 The creation of something new is the death of what was.

Are you ready to create and deepen relationships?

What does death mean to you?
What is life to you?
What is so painful that you avoid?
What is so desirable that you strive?

Are you ready to give birth to a new life?
Is there anything else you need to say goodbye to in order to reach your true potential? To discover the True Self.

We will soften the stupor and launch the impulse of a new birth.

Master Class. Adam, Eve and Lilith.

 According to legend, Lilith was created along with Adamos, and Eve came later. Lilith refused to obey Adam, flew away from him to freedom and was expelled from Paradise.

I propose to explore this topic for you as part of a constellation session: Adam, Eve and Lilith.

For a man.
The images of Eve and Lilith reflect the light and dark side of his feminine side.
His unconscious, elemental forces.
Also, such work helps to understand, manifest and harmonize relationships with women in his life.

For a woman.
This work will help reveal how she interacts with her light and dark archetypes. With its active and passive role. How in touch is a woman with the forces of her unconscious? Where is the conflict hidden and how to regain your strength and integrate it into yourself.

Welcome to the system arrangement.
You can work in a group or individually on Skype.
To order diagnostics
write in Watsapp or Telegram "I want diagnostics"


 I am certified:
- Psychologist
- Hypnotherapist
- Certified trainer
- Specialist in imagery psychotherapy
(Jungian method of symbolic drama)
- Specialist in emotional image therapy Linde
- Family constellation specialist
- Master of Business Modeling.
I see a lot of patients online as a psychotherapist.
I also manage a number of business projects and business people.
But since I just arrived in Toronto, I'm open to dating.



 There are photographs of some of the tantric events that I organized.
Tantric energy Reiki
- about love and connection
- about unity and desire
- about feeling yourself and sensory therapy
- it's about personal growth,
- Secrets and transformation to the energies of the Gods.


schedule your first consultation

Analysis of any situation
To order diagnostics
write in WhatsApp or Telegram "I want diagnostics"


 Nikolay – researcher and specialist
in shamanic psychotechnologies. Nikolai
EAEN professor of philosophy
Honored Naturopath of Europe
Master of Natural Medicine
Certified Universal Healing DAO instructor.
Mantek Chia
Licensed psychologist-hypnologist
Main Teacher: Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho, Kundalini
Reiki, Tantra Reiki, Reiki-Yggdrasil (author of the book
Head of the Order of the World Tree.
 Award: in 2010 – Paracelsus medal for
creation of a spiritual system
development of "Reiki Yggdrasil", released
European Scientific Society, Hannover
The Academy has been operating for more than 30
years, preparing hundreds of advanced
holistic specialists around the world.
The Academy provides advanced practical
education in
- Holistic shamanic studies.
- Temple therapy and rituals.

Write to us

to schedule your first consultation

 Analysis of any situation in 15 minutes

To order diagnostics
write in Watsapp "I want diagnostics"